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Juniper Families, I hope you had a great weekend with your families! We are looking forward to seeing everyone this week! Please take a look at this week’s events.

Santa Grams – Santa Grams go on Sale today, 12/4 for $1. Students were sent home with a flyer last Friday on how to purchase. Please check your child’s backpack for the flyer.

Family Literacy Night – Wear your pajamas, bring your blankets, pillows, and your favorite book to have some Holiday Reading Fun! Join us on December 7, at 5 pm! Ms. Sanchez, our reading intervention teacher will share a presentation for families! There will be cookies for sale and there will be a special guest reader! Hope to see you there!

PJ Day – Friday December 8, is Pajama Day. Wear your favorite cozy Pj’s, show your school spirit!

Canned Food Drive – Our student leaders in ASB are organizing our annual canned food drive. It began on November 6 and will go through December 8. Please donate any canned goods or non-perishable pantry items. The class with the most food collected will win a popsicle party! Thank you for your support. All donated food will go to Interfaith to support our community this holiday season!

Parking LotWe ask for all parents to drive slow and cautiously in the parking lot and have patience. All cars will use the right lane to pull through the parking lot. The left lane is for specific classes only. When you enter the parking lot, pull all the way to the Drop Off Zone before letting your student enter or exit the vehicle. All pick ups and drop offs should be done in the parking lot not on Juniper Street. When exiting the parking lot, it is a right turn only onto Juniper Street. Students will not be allowed to enter or exit any vehicle outside of the Drop Off Zone. This is for the safety of all our students and parents driving on Juniper Street. Thank you for your support with this important safety protocol.