Juniper Families. I hope you had a great weekend with your families. We are looking forward to seeing everyone this week! Please take a look at this week’s events.
CAASPP Testing – CAASPP testing begins on April 25th – May 5th.This test is a California State test for all 3rd - 5th grade students in Reading, Writing and Math. 5th grade will also take the CA Science test on May 10th -11th. Please remind your students to bring their iPads fully charged, along with their school provided headphones. Schools will provide headphones, as needed. Please make sure that your student is well rested, has a healthy breakfast, and is encouraged to do their best! It is very important for your child to be present and arrive at school on time during these testing dates. If you have any appointments please try to schedule them after school so that it doesn’t interrupt the test.
COMPACT – On April 25th at 8:30am we will have our last COMPACT meeting for parents in the VPA. We will continue discussing the safety of pedestrians as renovations continue on Juniper St. Hope to see you there!
ELAC - On Wednesday April 26th we will have our ELAC meeting at 5:30 via Zoom. This meeting is for all of our English Language Learner parents.
Dress like a Teacher Day - Show your school Spirit! This Friday is Dress like a Teacher Day!
Low Cost Computers –Is your family in need of a refurbished low-cost desktop or laptop computer? Computers to SD Kids is hosting an event on Saturday May 6th from 9am -12pm at Ramona Unified School District. If you are interested please click on this link to submit an application and to schedule an appointment. If you would like a refurbished desktop the fee will be $100. If you would like a refurbished laptop the fee will be $150. If you have any questions please call, 858-200-9788 or email
Fire Drill – We will be having a fire drill on Monday April 24th at 2pm. During a fire drill, we practice how to evacuated a building in the event of a fire.3
Construction on Juniper St. – The improvements on Juniper St. have begun; they are widening the street and sidewalks will be added. Please give yourself enough time for arrival and dismissal. Also, please be extra safe when on Juniper St.
5th Grade Students – All 5th grade students that will attend Bear Valley next year, need to fill out a survey for electives. Please click on link below to complete survey