Juniper Parent Newsletter
Principal's Message
August 2023
It is with excitement that I WELCOME our families to the 2023-2024 school year!
Another summer vacation is coming to a close, we hope it has been a pleasant one for you and your family. I am excited about the new school year, and working together. We look forward to providing our students with a rigorous education centered around academic achievement and social/emotional support in a nurturing environment. This is going to be a GREAT school year!
Week of Welcome
We will have Spirit Days the first week of school.
8/15 is Dress for Success
8/16 is Crazy for School wear crazy socks
8/17 is Juniper Color Day
Preschool/TK/K: Green
1st: White 2nd: Red
3rd: Black 4th: Yellow
5th: Blue
8/18 is Juniper day wear your Jaguar shirt or school colors blue & yellow
School Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Friday
The school gates will open to students at 7:40 each day. Please do not drop off your child before this time as supervision will not be available
Nutrition Services
We will be offering free breakfast to all our students on campus. In the morning students that wish to have breakfast will go directly to the cafeteria before lining up. Preschool and TK students will have breakfast with their class every morning. All students will also receive free lunch every day. This will include a milk or juice, a piece of fruit, a vegetable, and a main entree.
Parent Corner
We look forward to seeing you at our future parent events. We will be forming several parent committees this year. We are looking for parents to become part of our School Site Council, PTA Board, and ELAC. We are excited to work with our wonderful families here at Juniper. Information will be sent home soon. If you have any questions, you can reach out to Mercedes Aguilar, Family Liaison.
State Preschool
Monday - Friday
Parents are required to walk their students to the classroom. These families will be allowed to park in the parking lot before and after school. More information will be provided by the State preschool program.
Class Rosters
Class rosters for 1st-5th grade will be uploaded into the Rooms Apps on Friday, August 11 at 5pm. TK and Kinder rosters will be uploaded into the Rooms App Saturday August 12th. On Monday August 14th class rosters will be posted in front of the office at 12pm.
Arrival and Dismissal
Students should not be dropped off or picked up on the street outside of the school. This is for the safety of all our students and parents driving on Juniper Street. Thank you for your support with this important safety protocol.
Juniper Parent Meeting
Juniper Elementary will have a parent meeting on Thursday, August 10, at 6pm on Zoom. Information will be shared with families regarding school-wide communication, school routines/procedures, and general information to get your child ready for the 2023-2024 school year. We look forward to getting this school year started. Please click on the link below to join the meeting.
TK/K/1st Meet & Greet
Parents of TK/Kinder and 1st grade will have a meet and greet on August 14
TK @ 4pm
K @ 5pm
1st Grade @ 2:30pm
Back to School
Back to School Night is Aug. 30th from 5-6:00pm Hope to see you there!
PTA News
PTA is looking forward to welcoming back our wonderful families. Our annual membership drive will be held in September. More information to come.
School Supplies
We provide all materials at school for our Jaguars. Students will only need a backpack, water bottle, and a healthy snack.
The after school program we have on campus is YMCA. If you are interested in having your child stay in the after school program please apply in the link below.